Searching Strong indices and operator "TRANSLATED"

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Searching Strong indices and operator "TRANSLATED"

Post by csterg »

From version onwards it is possible to search the strong indices on text that support this feature (e.g. KJV).

To search on a strong number just enter it, e.g. G2962 or H3231. You need to use the 'G' prefix for Greek strongs indices (new testament) and the 'H' prefix for Hebrew strong indices (old testament). The "Is this what you are looking for?" text box at the bottom of the search view will render the strong index with dark green, thus showing that the given word has been understood as a strong index (and not as any other word).

Of course, you can mix strong indices with simple words and operators at will.

A new operator has also been added that can be used with strong indices, called "TRANSLATED". The new operator can be entered either with the word "TR" or with the symbol ">". The left operant should be a strong index and the right operant can be any valid expression that is evaluated on the text segment that is used to translate the given strong index.

For example, the greek word "Κύριος" has been assigned the strong index G2962. But in english, this word is translated with the following words: Lord, Sir, Master, etc. If you want to search for all instances of the G2962 where the translated word is "Master" you can enter:
G2962 > master
G2962 TR master

To find the verses where the G2962 is not translated as “lord” you can enter:
G2962 > ~ lord
G2962 AND NOT lord

To find the verses where the word “sir” exists in a verse but G2962 is not used for it's translation you can enter:
sir & ~ (g2962 > sir)
sir AND NOT (G2962 TR sir)

I hope this is clear enough, if you have any more suggestions or additions please post it here,
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Post by johannes »

Hi Costas,

these are really great functions!

Two things:

1. I tried to search for H6083 not translated as dust and not translated as earth. First thing I did was to type
H6083 > ~ (dust AND earth)
but that didn't work at all. Still "dust" and "earth" were found though the help window display "h6083 TRANSLATED (NOT (dust AND earth))". I found out that it worked with
H6083 > ~ dust ~ earth
Shouldn't the first search syntax work also?

2. It would be great to sort and group the search results by words. With words I mean the found words behind a strong number. Right now the results are sorted by biblebook (with count/percentage and graph) and to have this for the translated words of a strong number would be really helpful. Is that difficult to implement?

Greetings and thanks for the new beta!
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Post by csterg »

Dear Johannes,
Concerning point 1:
what you got was correct. Let me explain (this will help more with the logic):

The H6083 > ~ (dust AND earth) makes the search engine do the following:
a. Find all the verses that contain the H6083
b. Find all the text fragments that are translated with the H6083. For example, Lev. 14:45 translates this with the phrase "thereof, and all the morter". Gen. 2:7 translates this as "of the dust".
c. Now, apply the expression on the right hand of the "TRANSLATED" operator to these 2 text fragments (notice, the right part of the TRANSLATED operator will be attemped to match the expression ~ (dust AND earth)).
d. Notice that for Gen. 2:7 the search engine will try to check whether the "~ (dust AND earth)" expression matches with the phrase "of the dust". Obviously, the expression matches (the expression in english reads: "i want those phrases where the words "dust" and "earth" are not found at the same time". So, the "of the dust" phrase does match your expression since these 2 words are not there at the same time.

Actually, what you should have entered is H6083 > NOT (dust OR earth). The same expression can be written: H6083 > (NOT dust) AND (NOT earth). Your second attempt with H6083 > ~ dust ~ earth does exactly this (although there is an operator missing between the ~dust and the ~earth, and TW assumed you mean "AND". This is why it works.

Concerning point 2:
it is a bit difficult to express it in a list: what i am thinking is to have another column in the search result (next to graph) which will be a list with all the words that have been found in this verse (this is also how highlighting works there). The problem here is that this information takes a significant amount of time to produce for all results and will have a negative impact in the cases that there are many search results (in order to sort the list, all matches will need to be evaluated which takes a lot of time).
Wrote that down in the to-do list but i am not sure how to do it without affecting the overall speed

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