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detecting strongs in text

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:04 pm
by jwols
I have a suggestion, detecting strongnumbers within the text.
When I do a (word)study, I often search strongnumbers en mention them in the study.
Automatic detection of these strongnumbers and connection them with the default strong module would be more then helpfull.
Now I have to link them myself, and software is made to make life easier....

Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:47 pm
by DarrelW
Oh! I second this one!! I've been trying to find a way to detect Strong's numbers without needing to go into Sqlite and do it. Is there a way or can you code this and make it happen???


Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:22 pm
by NorrinRadd
Are you asking how to Search for specific Strong's numbers?

If so -- Suppose you're wondering about "Spirit" in John 3:5. You mouse-over it in a module that links to a lexicon with Strong's Numbers. You see that the word is "pneuma," and that it is number G4151. You can then do a Search for G4151, and every place in the NT it appears will show up.

Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:29 pm
by DarrelW
No, mine is more aimed at creating modules and having the Strong's number detected without having to go into Sqlite to do it. As an example I create a module and the text contains "lllll asdfasf G112 asdfasdf asda H111 asdfsdf"

I want some like "Detect All Verse References in the module properties. You click that link and it finds and detects all Bible verse references in your document.


Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:48 pm
by jwols
I still would like to have such a feature, it would be extremely usefull and saves time when doing wordstudy.

To link the recognition of a strong to a strong module an option in the preferences could be, standard strong module.

I have also some questions:
Is there a sorted preference list available for the word with the request and the priority of it.
I wonder if theWord is being further developed in the (near) future.
Are there more people working on improving theWord than Costas?

Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:23 am
by jonathangkoehn
To see the most recent developments check out the beta area:;O=D
There are a lot of updates in there most recently spell checking, exporting user books.

Also check out for new content that continues to be added.

Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:27 am
by DarrelW
Also be aware that Costas has a family, the tax in Greece is horrendous, and he must work a lot to provide for his family. Pray for him!!


Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:54 pm
by jwols
Hi Jonathan and Darrel.
I realy apreciate the work of Costas. Biblestudy is made easier with theWord and the program is for me a blessing.
Try to help Costas by donating frequently.
Understand that life is not easy when living in Greece.
So, I am thankfull for what is achieved until now!

I think theWord can be improved and more attractive for new users when there is a team of programmers working on it.
Suggested some improvements, so dit others, but since 2015 there has been no new main release.


Re: detecting strongs in text

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:52 am
by RevSteve
There are some workarounds for adding strongs hyperlinks.
I assume you are referring to a book/dictionary/commentary situation.
First, of course you can export the book back to rtf then use a text editor to add the links.
Then there is the import tool that could add the hyperlinks to the strong.
I haven't used it but I think that will work.
I think it is a global find and replace so you tell it to look, for instance, (G\d+) then put in the replace line what you want it to be.
If there are already hyperlinks in the module, you might need to be creative with the search by adding a space(s) (before and perhaps after) in the find line and adding the same space(s) in replace.

Keep a copy in case something goes wrong.

Concerning the order of popups on multiple dictionaries, I have gone into the config and changed the order I wanted them show.