Preparing User Module for Distribution


Because there is no technical difference between user modules and non-user modules, making your own modules, or compiling modules for an electronic source, and preparing them for distribution is easy to do.  If the content of the module does not belong to you, you must check to ensure that you either have permission to use the content from the copyright holder, or ensure that the module is in the public domain.

The Settings/Actions tab of the Module Properties Dialog performs many last-minute tasks easily before distribution. The Module Properties Dialog can be accessed most easily by right-clicking the module's tab, and selecting Module properties...

Setting/Actions Tab of Module Properties Dialog


The User module checkbox determines if the module can be edited by the user. This should be the last step taken before distribution.

Allow auto-resizing of images: check this if you want the images of the module to automatically fit the reading space.

Module is compressed (to save disk space): this option compressed the module to about 50% of the original size. You should always choose to compress a module that you will encrypt. If you don't need to encrypt a module, you may leave this option unchecked since an installer will usually compress the module much better and make it easier to distribute.

Compress also search data (will result in slower searches): select this option if you want the search index to be compressed. This option only saves space in the end user's disk. It may be useful to select this option for really large modules.

Module uses right-to-left alignment: select this if the content of your modules is in a right-to-left language (e.g. Arabic)

Show hidden topics: Hidden topics are an advanced feature that is only used for very specific purposes: do not check this option unless you are debugging/preparing your modules (read the Book modules specification more info on hidden topics).

Contains Strong's definitions, Contains morphological codes: these options should be checked for special types of modules that contain Strong's definitions of morphology codes.

In the fonts section, you can customize the way a user views the content of the module.  These two areas are only editable after you have deselected the User module selection above. Use the fonts that are defined in the module uses the fonts you selected when you were making/compiling the module. It will override the user's Book View font setting (which can be found under File->Preferences->Fonts). The Use the default Book View fonts selection will use the font that the individual user has selected as the default font for the Book View.  The Do not substitute the following fonts area is especially useful for the second selection when you have special fonts that should not be substituted (e.g. Cardo and Gentium fonts that are usually used for Hebrew and Greek words).  If, for instance, you use a language in your module that requires a special font, but the normal content is a common font, you want to input the special font's name in this area so that the user's default font is used, except for instances in which the special font must be used.

Topics tree/list font: from here you can select a special font to use for the topic list. This is useful for modules where the topics are in a language where a special font is required (e.g. Hebrew). You can select a custom font and a custom font size in that case.


At the bottom of this tab, you may perform a number of actions on the module that will greatly reduce the time needed to prepare the module for distribution.

1.Prepare module for distribution - deletes all the search data from the module and compresses the module.
2.Detect all verse references - automatically detects all verse references. This is especially helpful when you paste content while compiling a module.
Normally existing verse references will not be overwritten, unless you hold down the ALT key while you initiate this action.
For commentaries, if you keep the CTRL+SHIFT pressed while initiating this action, partial verse references (e.g. see also verse 1) will use the context of the current chapter in order to be converted to links.
3.Convert module content to rtf - in general, reduces the size of the module, apart from changing the internal storage format to rtf. Since some features are not supported by rtf (potential problems with tables, esp.), you should make a copy of the module before performing this action. In general there is no need to perform this action unless you need to have the content in rtf format within the .twm file.
4.Delete all user formatting from non-user module - deletes are user formatting from the module.  If you have user formatting in the module, this should be done before distribution.
5.Make permanent all user formatting from non-user module - causes all user formatting of the module to be made part of the module permanently.
6.Recreate the search index for subjects - recreates the index only for the subjects. This is useful if there is a problem that arises with the topic subjects. This index is different from the topic content index.
  ©2003-2023 Costas Stergiou
manual version: 6.0.1532